Sunday, February 17, 2008

Remembering Siena's First Year - Mom's version

Wow, this year has flown. I know everyone says time flies when you have kids but WOW, this year was really fast. SO many things have happened this many beautiful firsts and cherished moments. I know I sound pretty sappy but, this birthday was hard for baby is getting older.

Well Siena, like I said, this year you did so many things! Some things I remember slept through the night for the first time on March 14, 2007. It was from 10:35 PM- 4:55 AM. Not too shabby for a less-than-one-month-old. I don't think it happened again for a while ;-) You smiled for the first time (besides gas smiles) on April 1, 2007.

You started cooing on April 11. One of my favorite days is when you laughed for the first time on May 4, 2007. Nick was out of town and I was grumpy and tired. I was giving you a bath and you just started LAUGHING. It was adorable.

You started eating solid foods on June 9, 2007 and you had some rice oatmeal...banana's were soon to follow and you loved those! Still do actually ;-) But the rice cereal you were not so happy about...

You rolled over from your belly to your back on June 10, 2007 and soon after rolled the opposite way. You loved to sleep on your belly.

You started holding your own bottle in July, 2007. Then you sat up all by yourself in August, 2007.

You loved your bouncy swing. You would bounce away happy as could be. See this video we took of you loving every minute...

You started to crawl on October 25, 2007. We were so excited...until we figured out you would get into EVERYTHING. Still it was adorable to watch you try and then succeed. Now you motor around like you always knew how.

Not only are you a fast even zoom up the stairs with ease! You love challenges and are always looking for things to "figure out". I love your wit and your curiosity...well, sometimes ;-)

On your first Halloween you were a cat:

a chick:

AND a pig:

You had so much fun that day (except for when I would change you to the next costume!!)

You say so many words now- you started with Dada and dog, continued with "this" and "that"....everyone is still amazed how you pronounce the "t" perfectly at the end of "that". You love to tell the dogs "out" (wonder where she got that from??). You will shake your head "no" but say "YESSSS" . We love when you wave and say "Hi" and wave bye bye.

You LOVE to swing. This video says it all (and I have no idea why its sideways):

You had a wonderful first christmas surrounded by everyone who loves you.

You got ALOT of toys ;-) Almost all of which make loud, disturbing noises...

You love to brings us books to read to you. Everyone loves your impish personality. We know you are up to no good when you look over at us and have your adorable smile assured in the next moment you are most likely going to be touching something you shouldn't be. And almost always we are laughing because you are just so cute!

How you LOVE to play with your dogs. You love them so much and they...well...they'll love you in time ;-) You love to pester poor Diesel. This video shows you headbutting him and loving it!

So, are one now. You had a fun day in your adorable dress surrounded by people who love you enough to brave the awful illnesses that were plagueing the entire family. (We told people with kids to stay home!). Here are the pictures from your fun day (double click to see it larger).

However bitter-sweet this birthday was for me, I cannot wait to see what the next year brings. How tall will you get? Will you still love anything to do with animals? How much will you be talking? How stubborn will you be...since we are already seeing some distinct signs of hard-headed behavior (wonder where she gets that from?). Will your hair get curlier and your eyes darker? All these things I await with open arms because I can't wait to see my beautiful little girl grow.

I love you Siena. Happy Birthday baby.

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