Friday, October 31, 2008

Jackson's 2nd week and HALLOWEEN!!

We have had lots going on in the last couple of weeks! Jackson is starting to fatten up ;-), we took Siena to the park for some alone 'big sister' time, we've had lots of visitors, AND it was Halloween today. As you all know, I have taken far too many pictures of this occasion (and every other) so proceed to the slide show with lots of time and patience!

So this was Siena's first Halloween where she got to go door to door and beg for candy. At first she was skeptical...not really wanting to say anything. As soon as she recieved her first piece of candy she was hooked. "House?" she would ask so we would take her to the next stop. "Treat!!" she would say to get her treats. As soon as the candy bowl was offered Siena would, at first, take only a piece, but by the last houses she would shove her hand in the bowl and grab as many pieces as her tiny fist would hold. She then would say a polite "thank you" and then "BYE!" We would be off and sprinting to the next house in the next second. It was really fun to watch and I do believe this was my favorite Halloween of all time. My new little man, who we dressed as a monkey, is here and my adorable little girl is growing up.

Time is flying! Enjoy the pictures and remember you can double click to view pictures larger.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jackson's First Week Home

Its been a great week home. Jackson is a great sleeper so far, not necessarily at night, but for 3-4 hr stretches sometimes! He seems to be similar to Siena when she was his size in a lot of ways but we have a lot more time for him to prove me wrong ;-) Its nice to be home and Nick and I want to say a big THANK YOU for all of your wonderful well wishes.

Here are some pictures leaving the hospital and at home with our new little man and cute little Siena:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jackson Nicola is here!

Hey All- after all my whining and groaning about being pregnant, little Jackson is finally here...exactly on his due date.

Go figure!

Simple explanation: Jack was born by c-section on October 17th at 8:39pm weighing in at a whopping 7lbs 6oz (almost 2lbs heavier than Siena was!) and measuring 19 and 3/4 inches (2 inches longer than Siena).

Extended explanation: Jack came by c-section after I labored since 2:30am, went into the hospital at 9am, got my epidural (I love you anesthesia man!!!!) at 11am and had progressed to 5cm, pitocin started at 2pm to make contractions better, water progression. Being that Siena was a c-section as well the docs didn't want to take any chances by waiting even longer for me to off to surgery we went at 8-ish pm.

Here is a slideshow of pics so far. Remember you can double click if you want to see the pics larger (in a non-slideshow format).

Happy 1 day birthday baby boy. We love you!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Siena's First Haircut

As many of you know, I have not wanted to get Siena's hair cut for quite some time now. At first I just denied the fact that my daughter had a mullet, then I defended the mullet ("it looks cute!!"), last I hid the mullet by putting her hair up in pig tails or some sort of 'Pebbles-like' pony tail. Nick has now been begging me to get her hair cut for MONTHS. I finally decided I would bite the bullet and get it done. Ho hum....I was not so sure about it but am glad I did it.

Here is a before picture:

Here are pics of Siena's first haircut:

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Little Artist

I just thought these pictures were really fun. Siena really likes to draw with chalk (and pretty much anything else that will make a mark!). I thought these would be some pretty fun pictures to take.

Rolling in the Grass

Siena has proven herself over and over to be a girly-girl. She doesn't like to get dirty, play in the sand, feel grass on her bare feet...etc. Nick and I really don't know where this comes from because she has no biological relation to her Godmother Jenn (hee hee...just kidding Jenn!!). Every once in a while, though, Siena will surprise me and roll around in the grass. Today I just happened to have my camera with me when she did.


Lately, Siena has been great about repeating words she hears. When we are out she will point to something and I will tell her what it is. 90% of the time after I tell her what is is she nods her head and repeats the word...what a smart kid I have, right?? Sure! The only issue I am originally from MA. Not only are we known for our incredible driving skills and fantastic drive thru Dunkies coffee (which is now making its way into our southern town...WOO HOO!!), we are also known for our colorful language. Anyone that can use the "F" word as an adjective, noun, pronoun, and verb - all in the same sentence- is likely to be a native of good 'ol New England. I am not saying this is ok. In fact, it bugs me that sometimes I don't realize I have said something inappropriate. It just sort of...happens. Anyway, my name is Kelly and I swear...I am rambling...

Today, Siena and I were driving along to the store and this car in front of me is merging onto the highway at exaggeration. It was a disgrace and we were going to get into an accident if we didn't get around this person quickly. So in classic Massachusetts fashion, I tap on my horn and said "Come ON a$$-h*#&!"...and then stopped and cringed and waited. I looked at Siena in my rear view mirror and she seemed to be thinking. WHEW, I thought, totally got away with that one as I finally pull around the crappy driver. Then I heard a little voice come from the back say, "Wassle?" OH NO! I tried to ignore it and not encourage anymore renditions of what she heard. Then a car passed us on our right and Siena screamed with glee, "WASSLE!! Wassle, wassle!"

So much for keeping Siena swear free....

Friday, October 10, 2008

So Fun

I just wanted to post this because I love the picture ;-) Here is Siena with her good friends, JB Ella and JB Addie at the park:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

38 wks...Will he ever come out??

Now, I know I have no right to complain at 38wks about being tired of pregnancy. I know there are plenty of people that have had to go over their 40wks and be induced. I also know that things could be worse... (I won't mention what those "worse" things are for fear of women who have never had babies are reading this and would be completely horrified). I do feel lucky that my pregnancy has been hassle and issue free, besides a few aches and pains that are to be expected.

Part of what aggravates me is the fact that my midwives are still argueing about my actual due date. Originally, it was Oct 16th. I had an ultrasound at 18wks and they changed that due date to Oct 25th...ok.... I can handle that. When I went back to the midwives they said that wasn't right, that we needed to go by the 16th....ARRRGGGG. SO this whole time I have been going by the later date to keep my brain accepting of the later time frame -just in case it was, in fact, correct - but in the back of my now pea-sized brain I keep putting myself one week ahead. This all increases the frustration.

Oh yeah, the other part is that I am 3cm dilated, 90% effaced and at -2 station. For those of you that don't know what that means I am about to drop a baby at anytime!! So wish me luck, pray for my sanity and that this baby decides he is not that comfortable where he is ;-)

Friday, October 3, 2008

37 weeks and getting ANTSY

The title truely says it all...;-) Nick and I are just waiting at this point to find out what our little guy is going to be like.