Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Big Girl

At Siena's 18mt appointment she put up some pretty big numbers in terms of height and weight! She was 26lbs and 32 inches long which put her in roughly the 70th percentile for both. Coming from Nick and I, who are hardly tall people (Nick is average and I am...not), this was big news, especially after the pediatrician predicted she might be a staggering 5'4"-5'6"!!

Excitedly, I called Nick to tell him the BIG news. He says, "weren't you the same height at her age?" popping the proverbial bubble of me thinking Siena had ANY chance to be taller than me. NO! It couldn't be!! I immeadiately called my Mom to ask.... "Yup, you were the exact same height at her age, and at 24mts you were 34 inches!" my Mom exclaimed.


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