Unknowingly, I completely ambushed my good friend Amy. I told her I had a *great* Christmas craft for the girls to do and I had all the necessary equiptment to complete it. I was SO prepared! Everything was accounted for...we were going to make adorable snowflakes out of Q-tips, glue and glitter...I was going to be quite the hero. The only thing I didn't have was a table in an uncarpeted room where the girls could complete their craft so we decided Amy's house would be best because she has a table in her breakfast nook.
I am so dumb. Seriously.
I basically picked out a craft meant for 8year olds, minimum, for a 4 yr old (with exceptional art skills, but still...) and two almost 2 year olds. I started trying to put the q-tips out in a snowflake design and the girls quickly grabbed them and started to play with them...disaster. Luckily, poor, ambushed Amy has an arsenol of art supplies and rapidly came to my rescue. Painted paper plates for the girls to make Christmas wreaths...and a cup of coffee for me to clear my obviously muddled mind.
Thanks Amy. I owe you...BIG time ;-)
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