Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And the verdict is in....

Siena had her 2 yr doctors app't at the same time Jack had his 4mt. Here are the stat's:

Siena was 34" tall (60th percentile) and weighed 28.8lbs (75th percentile). She can communicate very well using 3+ word sentences and knows certain grammar rules (like adding 's' to pleural words and possessive, 'ing' to verbs etc...). She jumps with both feet and loves to run around in the park. Slides have become a favorite ;-) Siena can count to ten and can recognize most letters of the alphabet. She LOVES to sing songs she knows and ones she made up! She can 'help' out with Jack by replacing his binky if he's upset and throwing away a dirty if she could just start changing them... ;-) She is such a big girl. We are excited that she is two but can't believe she is growing so fast. I feel like she was JUST one!!

Here is a new video of her playing with Diesel.

Jack had his 4 mt app't and, besides getting 4 vaccinations, it was great! He was 14lbs on the nose (65th percentile) and 25"long (60th percentile). He is having so much fun. He has tried rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, pears, and butternut squash. He loves the squash but we're going to have to revisit it when he's a bit older. It gave him the worst gas EVER. He was miserable. He still stinks at sleeping thru the night but we'll get there. Otherwise Jack is super happy. He loves to kick and hold toys in his iron grip (and Mommy's hair). He smiles constantly and has recently started laughing more (see video below). He is close to rolling over and doesn't mind his 'tummy time'. He can lift his whole head and shoulders up when on his belly! He is such a sweet baby. The time is flying faster and faster!! Here is a video of Jack laughing - it's adorable!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

This made me laugh!!! So great!!!