Thursday, October 9, 2008

38 wks...Will he ever come out??

Now, I know I have no right to complain at 38wks about being tired of pregnancy. I know there are plenty of people that have had to go over their 40wks and be induced. I also know that things could be worse... (I won't mention what those "worse" things are for fear of women who have never had babies are reading this and would be completely horrified). I do feel lucky that my pregnancy has been hassle and issue free, besides a few aches and pains that are to be expected.

Part of what aggravates me is the fact that my midwives are still argueing about my actual due date. Originally, it was Oct 16th. I had an ultrasound at 18wks and they changed that due date to Oct 25th...ok.... I can handle that. When I went back to the midwives they said that wasn't right, that we needed to go by the 16th....ARRRGGGG. SO this whole time I have been going by the later date to keep my brain accepting of the later time frame -just in case it was, in fact, correct - but in the back of my now pea-sized brain I keep putting myself one week ahead. This all increases the frustration.

Oh yeah, the other part is that I am 3cm dilated, 90% effaced and at -2 station. For those of you that don't know what that means I am about to drop a baby at anytime!! So wish me luck, pray for my sanity and that this baby decides he is not that comfortable where he is ;-)

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