Monday, October 13, 2008


Lately, Siena has been great about repeating words she hears. When we are out she will point to something and I will tell her what it is. 90% of the time after I tell her what is is she nods her head and repeats the word...what a smart kid I have, right?? Sure! The only issue I am originally from MA. Not only are we known for our incredible driving skills and fantastic drive thru Dunkies coffee (which is now making its way into our southern town...WOO HOO!!), we are also known for our colorful language. Anyone that can use the "F" word as an adjective, noun, pronoun, and verb - all in the same sentence- is likely to be a native of good 'ol New England. I am not saying this is ok. In fact, it bugs me that sometimes I don't realize I have said something inappropriate. It just sort of...happens. Anyway, my name is Kelly and I swear...I am rambling...

Today, Siena and I were driving along to the store and this car in front of me is merging onto the highway at exaggeration. It was a disgrace and we were going to get into an accident if we didn't get around this person quickly. So in classic Massachusetts fashion, I tap on my horn and said "Come ON a$$-h*#&!"...and then stopped and cringed and waited. I looked at Siena in my rear view mirror and she seemed to be thinking. WHEW, I thought, totally got away with that one as I finally pull around the crappy driver. Then I heard a little voice come from the back say, "Wassle?" OH NO! I tried to ignore it and not encourage anymore renditions of what she heard. Then a car passed us on our right and Siena screamed with glee, "WASSLE!! Wassle, wassle!"

So much for keeping Siena swear free....


Olivia said...

Too funny! I love it! And now, I have a new word to use!

justbarely said...

Kind of like when Ella heard me told Rita it's cold as balls out and now uses the phrase "cold as a ball." Only yours is worse. Nice.

cFournier said...

That is better than the f-bomb. Christian has heard it one too many times around here and has repeated it but not used it properly. BUT every time we see a truck, firetruck, police car, ambulance or any flashing light really, he yells "F*&k". Papa drives a F&*^ to work...and if we correct him it turns into "Tee-F*&^". SO fun. :)

S K M said...

You crack me up!!! This post reminds me why I love you so much. A few months ago I accidentally taught my 7 year old niece the term "knock me down shoes" god save little Jonathan.